Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shower Gel and Walnut Body Scrub Evaluations

We set out over a year ago, to deliver to our customers, a liquid cleanser that would earn the equivalent respect of the effectiveness of our Super Body Care Soap Bar w/loofah bits. A little over a year and a half later of R&D, it was August 2009 and we finally felt comfortable in bringing a couple formulas to a selected test group of 15 people: 9 men predominantly MMA athletes and 6 women.
For review, we gave each person one bottle of each:
Shower Gel Formula #1 (code name Red Stripe)
Shower Gel Formula #2 (code name Blue Stripe)
Walnut (Shell) Body Scrub

Here are the results:
60% preferred the Walnut Body Scrub
20% preferred the Blue Stripe
20% preferred the Red Stripe

To our pleasant surprise, our MMA demographic preferred the Walnut Scrub! Amazing!

All of our products include the same formula used in our soap bars made up of natural ingredients known to fight against fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Those ingredients are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree, and bergamot(citrus).

Please visit our Shower Gel and Walnut Body Scrub products page to learn more!

Below, find some feedback we received from the evaluations:

"I've recently been working outside doing lawn work and training BJJ. The walnut exfoliant has managed to keep my skin extremely clear despite being a mess after work/training. I'm really, really impressed by this product."

"I loved the walnut one because after two weeks using it I found my arms and legs to be smoother. I sometimes get these impurities almost like razor pumps on my thigh area and upper arms and they were less obvious and much smoother after using the walnut exfoliator I'd say six times in two weeks."

"The (Walnut Scrub) exfoliator softened my feet a feet were tore up!"

"Well the walnut felt just right. You don't even need a washcloth just washing by hand feels like you're very clean and refreshed after. I have very dry feet maybe from always having flip-flops on or always bare foot and since I used your products they are looking a little better...."

"Haven't had any infections since I use SUPER BODY CARE."

Please visit our Shower Gel and Walnut Body Scrub products page to learn more!

We have 2 oz, 4 oz, and 8 oz sizes available for purchase for either Shower Gel or Walnut Body Scrub!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Mayhem" Miller's staph infection

You may have heard about the tweets Jason Mayhem Miller and Jake Shields have exchanged since their fight, Strikeforce for Middleweight Title, November 7.

Miller claims that Shields left him with a staph infection.

Here's the deal on staph.

Staph multiplies at the rate of EVERY half hour.
Staph also can co-exist on your body, colonizing in your nose or your back door pooper. A third of the American population is said to have staph colonizing on their body, uninfected.
Staph can exist on YOU, unaffecting YOU, unless of course you pick your nose or your arse, and happen to rub it on an open wound, and then an infection ensues.
Staph is everywhere, on surfaces, gloves, cage, EVERYWHERE.

Is it possible Jake had staph on him? Yes.
Is it possible the cage had staph on it? Yes.
Is it possible Miller had colonies of staph co-existing on him? Yes
None of that matters. But what does matter is hygiene and how important it is to cleanse after any rolling around of any kind: on mats or grappling.

What we can guess is that Miller didn't cleanse fast enough after his match with Shields to avoid getting an infection.
Staph multiplies at the rate of every half hour, so within a couple hours, you could have a staph party breaking out in a wound, and you're invited as the guest of honor.

Now, if Jason was using our Super Body Care wipes right after he competed, he would likely have avoided that disturbing and potentially life-threatening Staph infection.

For more info, check out our vid on YT about staph...
Staph Multiplicity Factor

We have 220 count Wipes canisters great for "public" use at the gym so people can wipe BEFORE and AFTER training. Athletes have purchased the canister for their own individual use as well. We also sell single individually packaged body size Wipes.

Super Body Care Wipe products